
more than just a job? get off to a flying start with the sellbytel group

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The SELLBYTEL Group was founded in 1988. During the course of two and a half decades, what began in Nuremberg has led to a great number of high-valued strategic partnerships with seven brands and more than 60 locations and local offices around the world. You can find the key milestones of our company history here […]

freightos: we’re making global trade frictionless.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We believe in frictionless trade. 90% of everything we eat, wear, and use is shipped. But online sales and automation for the trillion-dollar freight industry are non-existent. We believe that process of moving goods around the world should be smooth. So we’ve created the online freight marketplace and SaaS software to usher the logistics […]

getapp: discover, compare and choose the best business apps

The #1 business apps discovery platform with 200,000+ reviews of 6,000+ apps to help grow your business. Headquartered in Barcelona, serves as a marketplace for professionals to discover apps that can meet their business needs and features thousands of user-generated software reviews. GetApp is a Gartner company. Gartner (NYSE: IT) is the world’s leading […]

How to manage change in your business? Try Workshare because Change Matters!!

Compare: The fastest way to compare and review documents. When you need to compare two documents, see precisely what’s changed and get to the final version much, much faster. Deploy world-class comparison as a traditional Windows application on the desktop or as a cloud-delivered app that can run inside browsers, mobile devices, PCs, or be embedded in […]