
The True Cost Of Hiring An Employee? Much More Than Their Salary

Original post by Jason Hesse via Forbes Working out the true cost of hiring an employee in your business has, historically, been difficult to calculate. A salary is easy, of course, but it is all the non-wage costs which are often elusive. Can you estimate how much tax will the employee cost you? What about the […]

6 Things You Should Know About Social Recruiting

Original post by Hannah Morgan via U.S.News Money Employers are optimistic about growth and hiring over the next 12 months, and yet they also expect that filling these new jobs will challenging. What are companies doing to attract talent and how can you position yourself for maximum visibility? According to Jobvite’s 2014 Social Recruiting Survey, conducted in August, almost 70 percent […]

7 Ways to Nail Your Next Startup Job Interview

Original post by GABE LOZANO via entrepreneur I’ve interviewed hundreds of job candidates. Occasionally, I’m blown away but, more often than not, I immediately regret that we’re going to spend the next 30 minutes wasting each other’s time. Below are seven lessons every person should keep in mind before his or her next job interview at […]

STUDY: Job Seekers Turn to Facebook, But Recruiters Still Favor LinkedIn

Original post by David Cohen via ALLFacebook Social recruiting solution Jobvite released the seventh version of its annual Social Recruiting Survey Wednesday, and the survey of more than 1,800 recruiters and human-resources professionals across various industries and regions found that social recruiting continues to become a priority for them, and that while Facebook has carved out a significant […]

5 Effective Hiring Tips for Early-Stage Startups

Original post by FIRAS KITTANEH via Entrepreneur You don’t have much of a company without a strong, dedicated team. Yet, the hiring process can be challenging, from sourcing candidates, screening and interviewing them to making the final evaluations. The competition for candidates today means some job seekers might have many tempting job options. Early-stage startups are pitted against bigger […]