
7 Tips on Hiring for Your Startup

7 Tips on Hiring for Your Startup

 By Sarah Boisvert , Media Shower Startups are in a unique situation when hiring employees. Usually cash flow is tight or the company is being bootstrapped, so hiring mistakes are more costly than in a company with more financial stability. In addition, early-stage new hires are a large percentage of the total number of employees and have the […]

Why Humility is Essential for Every New Startup Hire

Why Humility is Essential for Every New Startup Hire

Original post by Tomtunguz When interviewing product managers at Google, we ranked candidates on four metrics: technical ability, communication skills, intellect and Googliness. A Googley person embodies the values of the company – a willingness to help others, an upbeat attitude, a passion for the company, and the most important, humility. In the past week, I […]

Amazon creates 100 jobs in Silicon Roundabout

Original post by  Asa Bennett via londonlovesbusiness Internet retailer Amazon is to create an extra 100 jobs at its digital media development centre in London’s Silicon Roundabout. The site opened last September in the Old Street area and focuses on the design and development of new digital media projects, with staff at Amazon-owned firms Pushbutton and Lovefilm also […]

Hiring for a Startup Is Like Dating

Original post by DAVID COHEN via WSJ We all know that startups are about people. That’s got to be your real competitive advantage. Great people will figure out the market and crush it. So how do you attract great people to your team early on when the risks are high and the pay is low? How do you […]

Hiring old people: The dangerous but necessary steroids of the startup world

Hiring old people: The dangerous but necessary steroids of the startup world

Original post by BEN HOROWITZ via pandodaily Aww man, you sold your soul Naww man, mad people was frontin’ Aww man, made something from nothing – Kanye West, “New God Flow” Your startup is going well, and as your business expands, you hear the dreaded words from someone on your board: “You need to hire some senior […]