
What HR tech trends will we be discussing in summer 2019?

In stark contrast to the outdated stereotype of bureaucratic administration, today’s HR teams are creative, innovative, and technologically savvy. They’re working in cross-functional teams, rethinking leadership and management models, and demanding vendor solutions that optimize productivity and performance. HR leaders have become their own disruptors, reimagining both the work we do and how we do […]

8 jobs every company will be hiring for by 2020

This article is published in collaboration with Business Insider The labour market is changing faster than you might realize. Demographic changes and technological advancements may lead to the net loss of 5 million jobs by 2020, according to a report published by the World Economic Forum. In total, the report estimates that a total of […]

Be more productive in the office – 7 steps to becoming a better employee

Ever had that feeling when you enter the office, sit down behind your desk and don’t know where to start? Time’s flying by and in the end of the day, you feel exhausted yet dissatisfied – like you haven’t achieved anything at all. Here are seven steps to changing that and boosting your productivity. Step […]

How to manage a multicultural team?

The world just seems to get smaller and smaller as more and more companies grow global. Different markets connect and unite while most of the startups sooner or later start dreaming about going international. Even more so, an increasing number of people travels in search of a job. All that combined makes multicultural teams as […]

5 Golden Onboarding Tips by Appical

Appical app helps all new employees get onboarded quickly and never again lose out on their first day. But now Appical is also looking for new team members! They’ll be with us for New York City Tech Job Fair on the 7th of June, talking to all job seekers attending (and they attend for free […]