
TechStartupJobs Fair Berlin – Nov 2013 [Video]

TechStartupJobs Fair Berlin 14th Nov 2013 held at Berlin, Germany, Supermarkt. TechStartupJobs Fair has been setup to help Startups find the talent they are looking for and for talent to find their way into the hottest Startups around.  As a consequence, many who were present got the opportunity to network with reputable employers in an attempt […]

Helping Startups & Developers make those deeper connections – TechMeetups #SpeedMeetup

In the past one year TechMeetups continuously improved and developed new ways in which to help the members of the community of startups and developers meet and create long lasting relationships. The Startup/Developer #SpeedMeetup, which took place this week, was the latest idea from those improvements. Essentially, the event format was based on the speed […]

Looking back at our first Startup Guru Program

This week marked the end of our very first Guru Program sponsored by Pearson. Over the last 3 months people from all walks of life have joined together in a journey of education in the wonderful world of tech startups. Some came with an idea, some with a product and some simply had a desire […]

Edinburgh Tech Scene

Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital, has a population of just under half a million. It is Scotland’s second biggest city and the seventh biggest in Great Britain as a whole. The city’s economy is one of the strongest in the UK, second only to London. Although Edinburgh’s economy is mainly focused on industries such as financial services […]

My Personal Hackathon 2 by @ShawnTechMeetup

Having done quite a bit last week my initial plan was to wait till the next weekend or for a slower day or free evening to continue and finish my Rails tutorial. However couldn’t hold back and opened up my Rails Server on Monday itself. Monday My first task was to add images to my […]