The app evolution: leaner, faster, cheaper

The app evolution: leaner, faster, cheaper

Original post by  venturebeat

In the battle to get mobile eyeballs, in a world that is more mobile by the minute, the mobile app is stomping all over the mobile web. Both consumers and employees are voting for the convenience, the ease, and the better overall user experience of native apps on both smartphones and tablets.

Different studies show different numbers, but the conclusion is pretty much hands-down in favor of mobile apps. In surveying 3,500 global respondents, Compuware reported that 85% favored mobile apps over a mobile website. And Flurry earlier this year reported that the average mobile user spends more time using mobile apps than the mobile web: an average of 139 minutes per day.

Mobile’s where web was 15 years ago

The impact on brands and organizations is a sea change. Apps now are pretty much where the web was 15 years ago. Back then, there was this oh-my-god moment when companies en masse realized they needed a website. And everyone went out, hired a bunch of programmers, built a website, spent a lot of money and built sites that, well, weren’t terribly good, because no one really knew what should be on them. There was just too much time being spent getting them up and running.

Then along came Blogger and WordPress and other CMS platforms that made it possible to get a site up quickly with a lot less technical strife and expense, and people then had the freedom and mental energy to really think about what went on the sites.


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