
Apigee Opens Up Enterprise-Level API Management to All for Free

Original post by Darrell Etherington via betakit Why Apigee? You need apps and apps need APIs.Apigee is the leading API plat form for enterprises and developers Apigee, the application programming interface (API) management company with clients including Netflix, Getty Images and Walgreens, today announced that it would be making use of its platform available for free to […]

Is This Apple’s Next iPhone? Yeah, Sure, Why Not

Is This Apple’s Next iPhone? Yeah, Sure, Why Not

Original post by JOHN BIGGS via TC For the past few weeks Apple parts have been leaking left and right. Today, about three weeks before we expect the new iPhone to launch, iResq has rebuilt the new iPhone from spare parts, showing the new connector (a micro USB-sized port that I predicted a month ago) and a slightly longer screen. The glut of photos […]

4 keys to exiting your startup

4 keys to exiting your startup

Original post by Mark Tepper via UPStart Thinking about starting a business? You might as well ponder your potential exit strategies at the same time—even if you plan on running your company for a lifetime. The reality is that most entrepreneurs don’t begin to plan their exit until an economic or life event forces their hand, neglect […]

Startup Marketing is a Team Sport

Original post by crowdedocean Never before has startup marketing been more specialized, data-driven and, therefore, difficult to staff and challenging to manage. What was once known as “outbound marketing” was dominated by push or broadcast-oriented tactics (TV, radio, print, direct mail) to a diverse market of customers. That’s evolved into the pull or “inbound marketing” principles advocated by […]

What small biz can learn from the tech industry

What small biz can learn from the tech industry

Original post by Kristen Mozian via StatesmanJournal “The Lean Startup” has become a book that every tech entrepreneur has read and quotes regularly. Eric Reis, the author of the book, coined the term “lean startup” to reframe what it means to be a startup and the process that a startup should follow to ensure success… or at […]