Is This Apple’s Next iPhone? Yeah, Sure, Why Not

Is This Apple’s Next iPhone? Yeah, Sure, Why Not

Original post by JOHN BIGGS via TC

For the past few weeks Apple parts have been leaking left and right. Today, about three weeks before we expect the new iPhone to launch, iResq has rebuilt the new iPhone from spare parts, showing the new connector (a micro USB-sized port that I predicted a month ago) and a slightly longer screen. The glut of photos of this new model point to a few things, most importantly Apple’s new role in the supplier ecosystem.

Remember two years ago when Apple security and local police literally busted down Jason Chen’s door and stole his computers at Apple’s behest? That was when Steve Jobs was still at the helm and security apparently mattered to the organization.

Instead of protecting against leakers, Apple is now shrugging its shoulders at them. “Our weekly iPhone sales continue to be impacted by rumors and speculation regarding new products,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple CFO. Two years ago Apple had the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office as their private army. Now they’re all “Shit happens.”

I’m far less interested in an iPhone rebuilt from scrap parts than asking how these scrap parts leaked in the first place. To be honest, I preferred an Apple that was trying to change the CE manufacturing industry by forcing accountability, control, and secrecy. Manufacturers love leaking information in an effort to pump and dump their stock. Earlier, a post in Digitimes simply hinting at an Apple partnership would usually do the trick. Now, with a new, kinder Tim Cook at the helm, it’s clear that manufacturers are far less afraid of Cupertino.


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