
Forget the technical skills for a moment. Does that developer know how to communicate?

Smart New Software Developer of Yours Also Have ‘Soft’ Skills? With our ever-increasing technological dependence, modern society has placed a major premium on STEM careers and other technical backgrounds. This has been true especially in the context of the current talent shortage of programmers, data scientists and engineers. However, in focusing on software development and […]

How to manage change in your business? Try Workshare because Change Matters!!

Compare: The fastest way to compare and review documents. When you need to compare two documents, see precisely what’s changed and get to the final version much, much faster. Deploy world-class comparison as a traditional Windows application on the desktop or as a cloud-delivered app that can run inside browsers, mobile devices, PCs, or be embedded in […]

FlightRight: The #1 for Air Passenger Rights

We have been helping air passengers enforce their rights for over 7 years. As the market leader in our segment, we are committed to making sure that being right always translated into being proven right. What we do and what drives our team in their day-to-day work? Our success story For travellers from across the […]