Tags: HR

30 Essential HR Blogs Every HR Professional Should Read in 2020

These 30 HR blogs will help you stay on top of everything you need to know to be an HR rockstar. With so many amazing HR blogs out there, even choosing which ones to read can be a time-consuming affair. If you don’t have time, no big deal…we’ve picked some out for you! About Our […]

Top Recruiting Software Tools Of 2020

The capabilities of recruiting software are changing rapidly and HR Tech, once an oxymoron, is alive and well in 2020. According to Crunchbase, by August 2018, the amount of VC money invested in recruiting software startups, in 2018 alone, crossed $600 million. While exciting, the potential of these new technologies can become overwhelming. In 2019, […]

19 June 2020

Online Get Hired Munich 2020 (Developers)

Online Event
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
28 February 2020


Central Foundation Boys’ School
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
27 November 2019

RecruITech Berlin 2019

Juggle HUB
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm