Software & technology

10 Steps to Hiring Your Startup’s World-Beating A-Team

Hiring the right team is the one thing you have to get right. Few founders do. A new survey says there’s almost a one in four chance your management team will end up cratering your startup through sheer lack of relevant abilities. That ought to chill the bones of every startup CEO. CB Insights surveyed […]

8 Financial Tips for Entrepreneurs Launching a Startup

How to lay the foundation for a sustainable business. I’m not a legal or financial professional . . . I’ve just started and bootstrapped a lot of businesses. Building a company from the ground up is one of the most difficult things I have done. If you are thinking of launching a startup, my hat goes […]

Startup Services Tips Before Launching

Launching a startup requires much more than just having a product idea. Initially, it is really challenging for startups to garner consumer attention as they are tight on budget, relatively lesser known or slight public appearance, no relationships with media or press, etc. Not to mention, that the early-stage startups can only employ a few […]

WeWork Is Giving Away $20 Million in Cash Prizes to Other Startups

The co-working company’s CEO says the contest is a gesture of goodwill but may also help attract more customers. Unlike most startups, WeWork Cos. doesn’t seem to struggle with raising money. Soon it’ll start spreading some of its cash around to smaller startups, partly in the hopes of luring them to become WeWork customers. The New York-based […]

How Working at an Unknown Startup Can Be Better Than Working at a Popular One

The Entrepreneur Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today’s answer to the question, “What are some of the biggest misconceptions about startup life?” is written by Phil Schraeder, president and COO of GumGum. Our culture […]