
5 Ways You Are Killing Your Business When Recruiting (Social Professionals)

5 Ways You Are Killing Your Business When Recruiting (Social Professionals)

Original post by Debbie Horovitch via B2C I’m sure not everyone is guilty of these hiring faux pas in the social media era, but I’ve seen it enough in the past 4 years of interviewing and pitching for social media positions and clients that I know many business owners are hurting their business in the process of […]

Elance Job Report Shows Upswing In “Creative Economy”

Elance Job Report Shows Upswing In “Creative Economy”

Original post by Elance We have great news for “right brain” thinkers everywhere. While job demand rose to record levels in many areas – including most technical fields – our Q2 Global Online Employment Report also points to a dramatic rise in demand for creative skills. For the first time ever the “Creative Economy” is outpacing demand for […]

Are You A Super Social Job Seeker?

Are You A Super Social Job Seeker?

Original post by 1 in 6 people found their last job by using social media, according to data from Jobvite. This figure – nearly 17% of jobseekers – rises to 28% for those candidates who are more serious about developing their social networking connections. With recruiters around the globe increasingly sourcing candidates via social media channels, […]

Announcing the #TechStartupJobs Fair on 11 September 2012, London

Announcing the #TechStartupJobs Fair on 11 September 2012, London

If you’re spending these rare sunny summer days thinking about how you can ramp up your team – then start planning towards 11 September when TechStartupJobs will be hosting our bi-annual Jobs Fair! Following on from our Jobs Fair in January where 300 attendees came to see the innovative projects that London’s startups are working […]