Job Search

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15 Tips to Hire Talent Post the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Connect with Author Neha Pradhan  Many potential new hires who have applied for, been interviewed for, or even been offered a position are now in limbo. Since social distancing, self-isolating and working from home has become the new norm, due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, recruiting and hiring at this time and after, has its own challenges. […]

New Business? How to Expand Hiring

Most new entrepreneurs are eager to expand as quickly as possible. They see growth as the fuel necessary to succeed and to achieve growth, you need to invest in more resources and a further reach. However, if you aren’t careful, expanding too quickly can work against you. So how can you scale up your hiring […]

14 Easy Modern Job Search Tips to Use in 2019

14 Easy Modern Job Search Tips to Use in 2019

Original post by Mark Anthony Dyson via The Voice of Job Seekers As of September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports unemployment is below four percent. Job market competition is fierce, as people are more confident about their chances of landing new positions under these conditions. The modern job search is full of twists, turns, and turbulence. There is no magic pill […]

5 Things Hiring Managers Know that Job Seekers Don’t

5 Things Hiring Managers Know that Job Seekers Don’t

Original post by Dandan Zhu via BusinessInsider As a headhunter since 2011 and now as owner of my own recruitment firm, DG Recruit, I have had the pleasure of placing hundreds of professionals in roles ranging from senior to executive positions nationally. Here are a few things recruiters and hiring managers know that job seekers […]



LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and social recruiting platform with more than 610 million users in more than 200 countries worldwide. If you are not signed up with LinkedIn, you probably should and while doing that, check out the list of top social recruiting platforms that are a sure way to add supplement […]