14 Easy Modern Job Search Tips to Use in 2019

14 Easy Modern Job Search Tips to Use in 2019

Original post by Mark Anthony Dyson via The Voice of Job Seekers

14 Easy Modern Job Search Tips to Use in 2019

As of September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports unemployment is below four percent. Job market competition is fierce, as people are more confident about their chances of landing new positions under these conditions.

The modern job search is full of twists, turns, and turbulence.

There is no magic pill to guarantee success.

Here are 14 strategies that, I believe, can lead to real results:

1. Transition to New Technology

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are so new that there aren’t many people who can claim years of experience in the field. This opens up a tremendous opportunity for those in search of a career change. Recruiters are very willing to consider newbies who can be trained. As long as you’re open to learning and adept with technology, this could be the career path for you.

Similarly, renewable energy and other green technologies are booming. If cryptocurrency and blockchain don’t seem very attractive, consider this industry instead.

2. Prepare for New Interview Tools

Over the last few years, the interview process has become lengthier and more complicated. Many companies now incorporate behavioral assessments. Video interviews are commonplace. With the arrival of AI, some companies are even implementing facial recognition technology to read candidates’ body language. Don’t get caught off guard by any of those cutting-edge technologies. Prepare yourself ahead of time.

Of course, humans still make the final decisions.

3. Authenticity Doesn’t Mean Compromising Your Privacy

A mistake many people make is oversharing on the internet. It’s often done in the spirit of authenticity and transparency, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about your privacy. Sure, it may feel good to help people who face the same medical and financial challenges by sharing your story, but you could also be endangering your future employment opportunities. Seventy percent of employers screen candidates’ social media profiles during the hiring process. Everything you post is open to scrutiny.

Could posting about your mental health struggles or financial woes really lead to a lost job opportunity? Regardless of the ethics or legality, the answer is yes. Just keep that in mind.

4. Keep Your Data Protected

Speaking of privacy: There are predators on job boards and social networks who prey on people who are anxious to find new opportunities. Keep your wits about you, and take some time to shore up you social media privacy settings.

One neat thing I recently learned, courtesy of IT professor Nichelle Manuel, is that you can use your Facebook account settings to make sure no one else is accessing your info:

– On your Facebook page, go to “Settings” and then to “Security and Login”
– Find the section marked “Where You’re Logged In”
– Don’t recognize one of the devices registered? You can revoke its rights with one click.

5. Negotiation Is a Necessity

Most people struggle with negotiating their salaries, asking for a raise, or winning an upgrade to their benefits packages. In this hyper competitive job market, this skill is more necessary than ever.

If you’re not a great negotiator, try taking a class on Skillshare, Udemy, or another online learning platform. You can also do what I did and read Chris Voss’s book, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as If Your Life Depended on It, which I found immensely helpful.

6. Put the Work Into Maintaining a Quality Network

Quality connections don’t happen by accident. A quality network has depth and produces mutually satisfying benefits for all involved.

Build your network on an exchange of value. Meet and correspond regularly with your contacts. Try to provide just as much value to them as they do to you. When your bonds are strong, people will be more willing to help you find work and vouch for you.

7. Keep Your References Warm

Part of building strong relationships with your network is staying in touch with people who will act as your references. This could be as easy as following their activity on social media, updating them on your career progress, and reaching out to see how you can add value to their own endeavors. If they are not online regularly, you have to meet them where they are.

Whatever you do, don’t wait until it’s reference time to reach out. Keep the relationship warm.