
Study: Europeans Quickest To Adopt iOS 6, Overall Updates Growth Continues

Original post by Darrell Etherington via TC We’ve got some new and interesting numbers to share about iOS 6 adoption three weeks after launch, from a couple of different sources, both of which show users continue to update to the new mobile OS from Apple. There are also some interesting differences depending on region, with some countries […]

Techmeetups Miami presents: CrowdCamp

October is TechMeetups’ Global CrowdCamp month. Make sure you use the hashtags #TechMeetups and #TMUcrowd to make sure your message is heard! The Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act was signed into law on April 5, 2012. This bill makes it easier for startups and small businesses to raise funds, especially through online crowdfunding. TechMeetups […]

Very Basic Startup Marketing

Original post by Rob Go via BI I was spending some time with an MIT senior who is very involved with the startup community and has spent some time working at venture funded companies.  We were chatting a bit about marketing for early stage companies.  How important is it?  Who does it well? Does it even matter? […]

CrowdCamp Summary

On 4 October, we hosted a very successful CrowdCamp, and our attendees took away great insight from our knowledgeable speakers.     From Steffen Hedebrandt, the Client Marketing Manager at Elance,                                                they learned […]

Tech Entrepreneurs: are you Productizing Yourself? #TMUguru

This article is a free resource from the TechMeetups Guru Program where Mark Peter Davis  is participating as our Entrepreneurship Guru to assist founders of startups and business leaders though practical workshops and mentoring. Tech Entrepreneurs: are you Productizing Yourself? If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s not uncommon to find yourself speaking to people who want […]