
Why should you work for Appical?

After Amsterdam, the time has come for New York. Appical joins us for the event on the 7th of June and they’ll be looking for people like you. They want to turn talent into heroes, so spend a moment now and get to know them better. Here’s why applying for Appical openings is worth your […]

How to make a good impression on your future employer?

Whether you’re attending an interview or network with employers during one of our events, the good impression is your key to success. You’ve probably read tens of guides on how to impress your future employer, but have you ever thought of these 5 points below? Tip 1: Balance your attitude For most people it goes […]

Skello – Shift scheduling finally made easy

One of the most challenging tasks for hotels and restaurants is to plan out employee shifts. It often proves difficult to manage and balance different timetables, employee agreements and availability. But this also where Skello comes in handy – their platform makes it easy to prepare readable schedules for big and small companies. Skello’s creators […]

BlindData: Changing the ways software engineers are hired

Can employers always accurately screen candidates for their jobs? BlindData found a way to make the recruitment process easier for software engineers. With the help of their innovative platform, job seekers can show off their actual skill while the employers are sure they hire the best of the best. BlindData is one of those amazing […]

How to hire the right employee?

Bad hires hurt your company. They usually mean costs you wouldn’t want and problems you’d like to avoid. They leave you with loss of money, time and energy. How to avoid them? It’s simple although not easy – by hiring the right people. These five tips will tell you what to look out for when […]