
The Easy Button: Making Hiring Less Painful for Startups

The Easy Button: Making Hiring Less Painful for Startups

Original post by Jessica via The Sourcery The recent plague of acqui-hires is making it seem like there’s no talent rock left un-turned in Silicon Valley and San Francisco. This simply isn’t the case. Things may seem dire, but you don’t need to make an offer to every developer that you meet. If you’re a funded startup, there’s still hope! You just need to make […]

Living a double life: being a parent at an early stage startup

Living a double life: being a parent at an early stage startup

Original post by alyssaaldersley As Noah Kagan recently put it so well: can I be real with you? Real real? I’ve talked before about how I carve my day to squeeze every drip out of it. Shared my theories fortheming, a noble attempt to avoid drift and push for maximum focus. Described how I try to be disciplined […]

Warning: If you don’t know these employment law basics you could end up on your own #TMUguru

This article is a free resource from the TechMeetups Guru Program where Richard Cummings is participating as our HR Guru to assist founders of startups and business leaders though practical workshops and mentoring. Warning: If you don’t know these employment law basics you could end up on your own However small or large your organisation might be, knowing and […]