With the Galaxy S IV, Samsung proves it’s not all about the iPhone

With the Galaxy S IV, Samsung proves it’s not all about the iPhone

Original post by Adrian Covert via @CNNMoney

130312145949-samsung-galaxy-event-620xaIt’s not just wishful thinking that Samsung’s new Galaxy S IV smartphone will go toe to toe with the iPhone. It’s an expectation.

After years of producing middling smartphones, Samsung kicked its development and marketing budgets into overdrive. The end result: A critically acclaimed Galaxy S III smartphone that briefly outsold the iPhone last year.

Perhaps more importantly, the brand “Galaxy S” started to mean something to the masses. Considering that Android phones have become practically indistinguishable from one another, Samsung’s ability to make its flagship smartphones a household name is nothing short of impressive.

On Thursday, Samsung will unveil the S IV, the latest addition to the Galaxy S lineup. Industry analysts widely expect the device to be among the best-selling of the year — perhaps even becoming the first smartphone to outsell the iPhone in a calendar year.


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