Talking Tech Heads At Silicon Roundabout

Talking Tech Heads At Silicon Roundabout

Original post by DAVID GILBERT via IBTimes

A pop-up tech café in London’s Tech City is giving customers the chance to interact with some of the great and the good of the technology industry.

Getting to speak face-to-face to the likes of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg or Twitter CEO Jack Costolo about their thoughts and insights into the latest technology trends is normally reserved for a select few journalist or analysts.

However, at a pop-up café in east London this week, anyone with a smartphone can now see these titans of the technology industry speaking directly to them.

The Wall Street Journal-sponsored Tech Café will run from 12 to 14 September and will feature a series of event sessions with the likes of Facebook, Google, Telefonica and the UK Government, as well as hosting the interactive tech-art exhibition.


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