New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter 7 February 2014

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter 7 February 2014

Happy Friday!

As an old friend of mine used to say “Change, Americans!”

We are announcing a date change for our TechStartupJobs Fair: April 15th.

This way nobody has to worry about still being away if they took off for Easter break

…or limiting their time at the NY Tech Day festivities

…or missing their Art Gallery-hopping Thursdays in Chelsea.

We know how much these activities all mean to you, so we’ll see you on the 15th instead.

Also, if you’re hiring and can make it April 15, we still have open employer tickets for our Jobs Fair.

Sooner than that, our Startup Workshop, is March 4th.

We have two new mentors to announce:

Taewoo Kim: “The Growth Hacker” @TaeWooKim

Thanos Matzanas: “The Recruiter” @Matzi3

If you would make a great mentor for this event or know someone who would, please apply here.

The ‘100 minds’ portion of the evening is an open pitch opportunity apply here.

Lastly, we are starting our “5 minutes with…” series next week which will feature one startup weekly. Tell us why your startup is great and you could be our weekly feature!

If you haven’t yet, join us on facebook and twitter !

Until next week! Francesca

New Members Welcome

Steve: Developer

David: Social networking

Matt McBride: Finance, strategy, operations

Purvi: Creative, marketing, strategy

Elizabeth Ferrao: student dev

David: Consultant

Bryant: Developer

Dan San: CEO of Plexadus Inc

Kristof H: Developer

Richard Tran: Business Development and Operations

David Chiu: Systems development and project management

Raymond: Digital entrepreneur and founder




04 Mar 2014: New York Startup Workshop [ RSVP HERE ]

15 Apr 2014: TechMeetups presents #TechStartupJobs Fair New York 2014 [ RSVP HERE ]


IN THE NEWS – Helping Startups form their dream team

We are happy to announce that 1,000+ job seekers signed in for the upcoming TechStartupJobs Fair London (20th Feb)

Top 5 #startup friendly coffee shops in London Silicon Roundabout

582 attendees signed in already for the upcoming TechStartupJobs Fair San Francisco




Resource Guru is the leading provider of cloud-based team scheduling software.

Awesome PHP Developer @ Huddlebuy

With so many opportunities and great startups out there, here’s why you should consider Huddlebuy.

Medium weight digital designer @ Qubit

We’re looking for someone to lead Qubit’s design team and take our digital presence to the next level.



Meet the team: Jennifer

4 Ways Video Game Marketing Leverages Social Media

Busuu – small company, big impact – TechCityNews

10-Month-Old Startup Buys 93-Year-Old Business for $100 Million – Mashable

busuu Silicon Milkroundabout Intro


Ideas to be brought to life

What is Horizon 2020?

If you have an idea please submit at TechIdeaHub


Fans Choir
Mobile football app that aims to make football more of a democracy then a dictatorship by finally letting a football fan’s voice be heard and amplified on their football club’s team selection, performance and tactics.


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