Joanna Shields leaves Facebook to join UK’s Tech City

Joanna Shields leaves Facebook to join UK’s Tech City

Original post by Dave Lee via  BBC

Facebook’s European boss Joanna Shields is to leave the social network to lead the UK government’s investment group for technology start-ups.

The Tech City Investment Organisation (TCIO) supports firms based near the Silicon Roundabout area of east London.

Ms Shields will replace current head Eric Van Der Kleij in January 2013.

“Joanna’s experience will be hugely valuable in supporting Tech City as it goes from strength to strength,” Prime Minister David Cameron said.

“The success of Tech City shows just what can happen when we back some of our most innovative and aspiring companies to grow, helping the UK compete and thrive in the global race.”

Ms Shields has been Facebook’s vice-president and managing director of Europe, Middle East and Africa since 2010.

Prior to that she worked at Google and teenage-focused social network Bebo.

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“Working in the UK for the past decade has proven to me that this country has the potential to become a major force in digital innovation,” she said.

“The seeds have been sown in east London for a dynamic and successful cluster: we have the infrastructure, the technology and the talent, now we need to accelerate the growth. I am looking forward to leading the Tech City Investment Organisation in the next phase of its development.

“With the right boost now, there is no reason why we can’t make London the number one location for tech in the world.”


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