How to Captivate Great Talent in your Startups: 5 steps

How to Captivate Great Talent in your Startups: 5 steps

When you are the co-founder of a startup, you are going to need to get great talent on your team. The original founders do their job, but they cannot do everything. You cannot do everything. You need to hire the best talent in the area to improve the quality of the work you put out. This is possible if you go about the hiring process properly. Part of this is following these five steps.


Improve your image. Before you try to hire anyone, you should make your business look better. Startups do not have a stable or known image usually so investing some time into this is a good idea. Have a solid idea of the image that you want for your business and then start branding and marketing. Put effort into having an image that people can understand and find appealing immediately.

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Tell them what you have to offer. When you want to bring in the best, you are expected to be the best. You cannot compete with major names in most areas, but you will have a unique appeal. A person that wants to become part of something greater, something bigger, will choose you over the competition if they like what they see. Make it clear how potential employees can gain from you.


Know what you want, too. While good employees will want to know what they can gain from you, you will also want to know what you can gain from the employees. Have an image of what you want from these employees. They should have the ability to fit into startups, to work in this environment, and to provide the desired growth in the desired areas.

Get personal and get active. Hiring people is not easy. You have to put yourself out there, find potential employees, and speak with them. Make this a personal meeting that can bring everyone together. Speaking directly with the potential employee will give both of you a better idea of one another and it will help to improve the image the potential employee has of you.

Have an environment that attracts people. As the co-founder, your biggest priority is the work most likely. While the work is important, you have to have a good environment, too. It is possibly with startups if you work towards it and the payoff is huge. This will improve productivity, attract potential employees, make potential employees want to work with you, and keep your employees with you longer.

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