Original post by Mary Ames via wamda
In celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week in Dubai two weeks ago, Shelter invited up-and-coming entrepreneurs to share their experiences with a crowd of their peers.
The New Entrepreneur Roundtable was a highly interactive meeting ground for entrepreneurs at all stages of business development. Some panelists were still building the beta versions of their websites, and some audience members were locally-based angel investors.
A spirit of openness sharing defined the event, starting with the back-and-forth of questions during the panel and continuing through the crowd-sourced pizza party that closed the evening.
The audience fired questions at Karim Helal, co-founder of B2B service exchange and tendering platform Monaqasat, Pankaj Chaddah, co-founder of the Dubai branch of the restaurant review site Zamato, Loulou Khazen Baz, co-founder of skills exchange platform Nabbesh, and Subhi Farah, co-founder of apartment review site FlatChat.ae, as David Haddad, founder of PressPass as well as Dubai social group Startup Circle, moderated.