
How to manage change in your business? Try Workshare because Change Matters!!

Compare: The fastest way to compare and review documents. When you need to compare two documents, see precisely what’s changed and get to the final version much, much faster. Deploy world-class comparison as a traditional Windows application on the desktop or as a cloud-delivered app that can run inside browsers, mobile devices, PCs, or be embedded in […]

The Power of Collaboration: Kx and Thomson Reuters

A year ago when we announced our strategic partnership with Thomson Reuters we knew Kx was the right technology to power their enhanced analytics platform. What we couldn’t  know then was exactly how our collaboration would work as we brought a new, improved product to market together. Over the past 12 months both company’s domain experts […]

Boost your business with and pick the right people for your project

As a project manager, you rarely work alone. Having people on board with the right skills and personalities is paramount to meeting your goals and objectives. With the right team, you can conquer any deadline. But how do you build your perfect project team? Every project is different. Still, some specific roles are essential for every […]


1) Get out of the house It’s become too easy to just job search from your computer and it’s easy to forget that there really are many effective ways to progress in your job search outside. 2) Kickstart a dormant job search Sometimes habit and routine are not the best thing. Going to a job […]