
Staff of startup BostInno shares advice for success

Staff of startup BostInno shares advice for success

Original post by Sonia Su via USATODAY There’s one phrase that many journalists like to hear and use: “You learn something new every day in journalism.” This is certainly true for local news, which combined “Boston” and “innovation” to form its name. What began in 2008as a community startup blog has matured into a full news platform […]

‘Miami TechMeetups’ Rises to Heights

Original post by Moises Szarf Something is cooking; something is boiling, in the young Miami Startup Tech Sector. So young it has not yet incubated a renowned startup that has gone to achieve wide recognition. Judging by the way things are “accelerating” this might change soon because there is a group of spirits pushing for it […] sponsors TechMeetups App Hackathon: HTML5 & Cloud, London 20-22 July 2012

We’re delighted to introduce you to our new HTML5 Hackathon sponsor , a YCombinator backed company! Filepicker’s goal is to enable users to live and work entirely online, independent of their devices. To realize this vision, they strive to build the best possible set of tools for web and mobile developers to work with […]