
Elance partners with TechMeetups for the TechStartupJobs Fair, September 2012

Job fairs are fantastic occasions for employers to meet lots of prospective candidates face-to-face at one event.  Likewise, they are great for candidates to talk with a number of recruiters all in the space of a couple of hours. However, cloud technology also makes it possible for employers and candidates to meet, talk and do […]

RedCritter partners with TechMeetups for Gaming2Gamification 2012

What is the RedCritter ? RedCritter is pioneering the use of game mechanics in the workplace. By incorporating game theory, they incent team members, increase productivity and improve performance…and make work a heck of a lot more fun!  Their flagship product, RedCritter Tracker is the only gamified project management tool with a specific use for […]

Techmeetups presents: Social Media (Mini) Unconference (New York City)

This is our first unconference being hosted in NYC and we’re really looking forward to seeing you there! The theme of the unconference is SOCIAL MEDIA. We have 3 topics set aside:   1. What I learned from starting a company and using Social Media in the early-days 2. What I learned from managing other […]