
Get Smarter in 2017: Here are 5 Places to Educate Yourself Online (for Free) – knowledge is power

What do you want to learn more about this year? Nanotechnology? Virtual reality? Bitcoin? How to protect democracy? According to neuroscience professor Ken Kosik, adult education, or specifically engaging in challenging new learning experiences, encourages brain plasticity. And plasticity is associated with flexibility, innovation, and joy. Equally as compelling, continued learning has been shown to […]

Coming Innovations That Will Make Flying Economy (Mostly) Better

IT’S TEMPTING TO envision the vehicles of the future the way Passengers does—luminous, spacious, expertly designed. But in reality, you’d probably settle for an air travel experience that’s even slightly better than what you get today—or at least, not worse. In which case, you’re in luck. “I don’t envision any grand, over the top cabin and seating […]

How to Become an Event Planner

Looking for a new career in 2017? Fancy a job in the events industry? Whether you’re looking for a change of direction, or just starting out after school or uni, specialist events recruiter Robert Kenward has some helpful advice on how to become an event planner. Robert worked in senior roles at major UK events […]

31 Free Courses for Entrepreneurs and Startups Worth Taking in 2017

Didn’t have the best luck with employment in 2017? Looking to switch things up a bit in the new year? Then go big! Free tickets at 2018 Tech Job Fairs in London Amsterdam Barcelona Berlin Paris Lisbon Munich NewYork Do you want to launch a business this year? Or may be you need help to grow your business. You can now take excellent […]