Original post by SiliconIndia
Bangalore: Over the years there has been a staggering increase in apps which has changed the view of startups amongst people. Generally when we talk about startups, we assume that the company is into building mobile apps.
Interestingly, there are various Indian startups or Indian founded startups that are into interesting niche segments . While there are startups which concentrate on helping larger established companies there are also other startup creating innovative and creative products and software’s. Now let’s take a look at some of the 5 hot mobile startups which are helping businesses flourish, surprisingly not the apps.
#5 Socialsign.in: one of the best thing a businesses can do is to provide a strong data connection, by doing this they get know what their consumers wants. Mike Perrone is the CEO and cofounder of this hot startup which is a free service that provides data access for devices at participating locations it augments commercial Wi-Fi access. The user just needs to Join the WiFi Network and need to enter the PIN and gets access to enjoy the free data .