4 great free #SocialMedia Analysis tools for #Startups that will improve your #socialmedia reach in minutes

4 great free #SocialMedia Analysis tools for #Startups that will improve your #socialmedia reach in minutes

1. HootSuite

Hootsuite screenshot

Has a great bunch of analysis reports. Although they charge for it there are 3 main ones which are free and useful – Twitter profile Overview, Facebook Page Overview, Tweet Link Summary & Specific Link Statistics.

2. Twitnomy

twitonomy screenshot

Gives a great smorgasbord of useful information like tweets per day, % retweets, replies and favourites etc. You can also quickly compare with other brands that are in your space or compete with you to see how you stack up and identify weak areas in your social media marketing

3. Foller


Quite similar to Twitnomy, but gives you a few more interesting facts that are quite useful like Mentions, Attitude and Time. The first one shows all the profiles that you have interacted with. The Attitude section is quite interesting because it shows your frequency of using smilies and other emotions in your tweets – Happy Tweets vs. Sad Tweets. In the Time section,you can see the activity time based on the latest tweets. Furthermore, as a tool, Foller gives you a closer and deeper look inside your tweets.

4. Twtrland

twtrland (1)

Is great for finding Twitter influencers. You can find true influencers in any skill, anywhere in the world. It’s powerful in a way that you can promote your brand or business strategy, and gives you the chance to hire professionals from your field. Highly recommended for anyone that is involved in the business world.


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