17 Things Certain to Happen in PR By Year’s End

17 Things Certain to Happen in PR By Year’s End

Original post by Arthur Solomon by PR News

solomonfixed-300x212One thing that is certain the in PR world—supposedly a font of original thinking—is that when the subject is employee relations, history repeats. So it is with much certainty that some of the following will happen in 2013.

  1. An employee will be terminated and be told, “You’re not getting a chance to show what you can do here. Your talent is gong to waste and we don’t want to hold you back.”
  2. An employee will turn down a job from another agency after being told by a supervisor that, “You’ll be making a big mistake if you leave; we have big plans for you,” and be let go in a staff reduction a month later.
  3. A college senior will be assured that after graduation you have a job here, only to be told after the cap and gown ceremony, “Sorry, we have a hiring freeze.”
  4. A new hire will be told this agency’s prime mission is to help our clients, and doing that will help you, but then be berated for spending too much time on the client.
  5. Another new hire will be told “regardless of budget size” we treat all out clients alike, but soon notice that the agency’s stars are all assigned to the big budget clients.


Startup & want to get into the big league? Think PR! Berlin 2013

Startup & want to get into the big league? Think PR! London 2013


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