Original post by JENNIFERBALDWIN via Not On The High Street.com
This is Cora. She is part of our merchandising team and is responsible for selecting products to be featured in our many catalogues. We asked her a few questions about her job, her favourite sellers and her life’s ambition to own a dog called Snookums…
Your job title is…
Catalogue Executive
Explain your job
To help with all stages of the catalogue merchandising process and associated marketing material. I work closely with the merchandising and marketing teams to select product ranges based on sales analysis, performance levels and brand values.
Describe a typical working day
The first thing I do is make coffee, I am utterly useless without caffeine. I check my emails and then get to work on my list for the day. I’m a little obsessive about lists, which must stem from my background as a PA.
Every day is so very varied depending what’s coming up. One day I will spend 90% of my time waist-deep in spreadsheets and the next I’ll be sifting through new sellers and products.
Best thing about your job?
Getting to see all the new products before they are set live on the site. My bank balance doesn’t appreciate it quite so much, so I am trying to teach myself to ‘add to wishlist’ instead of ‘add to basket’.
We’re delighted to announce we’re holding our second bi-annual Job fair this September in London. Meet NotOnTheHighStreet and many other employers at this event.