Sailthru partners TechStartupJobs Fair,NYC 29 November 2012

Sailthru partners TechStartupJobs Fair,NYC 29 November 2012

What is Sailthru?

“Our mission is to build tools that help companies keep users happy and engaged.”

You wouldn’t send the same birthday card to a million people, would you? Understanding individual user behavior lets you personalize both your product and how you communicate with your users.

Sailthru believe that relevant, personalized communication is at the very foundation of good brand building. Relevance builds trust. Trust begets long-lasting relationships. Long lasting relationships provide higher ROI. Up to 211% increases in ROI for some of their clients, in fact.

Today, over 225 leading publisher and e-commerce brands, from Business Insider and AOL/Huffington Post, to Open Sky, Thrillist, and all leverage our solutions to extend their subscribers’ lifetime engagement, increase their page views and drive more clicks on their content, products, and advertisements … by as much as 2-8x.

About TechStartupJobs Fair:

November is the month TechMeetups is helping startups in New York recruit the very best talent.

There’s been an exciting rise of Startups in New York, their rapid growth and success stories indicates that NYC could be the next Silicon Valley, hence many Techies are now calling New York Home. There are hundreds of successful, innovative and fast-growing tech startups based in New York looking to to hire the very best talent. Whether you’ve already worked in a startup or want to find out more about the exciting opportunities on offer in this scene, the TechStartupJobs Fair is the best way to connect with potential employers.

Remember to use the hashtag #TechStartupJobs Fair to get yourself heard!

About Techmeetups:

TechMeetups has been setup to create a global network of Tech communities from San Francisco to Sydney. We believe that Tech communities are isolated and great things can be achieved if we connect within our cities and outside our borders. Our goal is to create a global Tech cluster of over 50 inter-connected Tech communities by 2013.

Membership to our communities is free and anyone thinking about doing their own Startup and wanting to bounce ideas off each other, meet potential partners or investors in their city or even connect with like minded individuals in other parts of the world are welcome to join our groups! TechMeetups is all about YOU so come along, join us and lets connect to form a truly global tech community!



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