New York Is No Silicon Valley Yet, But It’s Making Progress

New York Is No Silicon Valley Yet, But It’s Making Progress

Original post by Jennifer Peltz via HUFF POST 

New York’s mayor has made no secret of his quest to have the Big Apple rival Silicon Valley as a high-tech hub.

The city isn’t there, at least not yet, but it can point to a series of promising signs. Tech titans including Google and Facebook have ramped up their presences in New York in recent years. Some big-name newcomers are headquartered here. Plans for an elite technology graduate school, attracted with city money, are getting enough attention that a federal patent officer is being stationed on campus in a first-of-its-kind arrangement.

Entrepreneurs say New York also faces particular challenges, including spotty broadband access in some areas and a limited tech talent base, though the city is trying to address the concerns.

“Over the last few years, what we’ve seen over and over again is a commitment to make New York City a viable alternative to Silicon Valley and a place where true innovation occurs,” Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said after a closed-door discussion that Mayor Michael Bloomberg convened with tech-sector leaders this month.

Bloomberg threw down the cross-country gantlet in July 2011, when he predicted the city could surpass Silicon Valley as a tech startup capital, though he noted that could take decades.


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