HR Insight renews support for TechMeetups’ London Silicon roundabout community

HR Insight renews support for TechMeetups’ London Silicon roundabout community

HR advice sessions for TechMeetups Members from  London Silicon Roundabout Partner HR Insight!

Now more than ever before, employers are seeking the help of human resource management professionals who can give practical advice on all aspects of employment law.  HR Insight is a London Silicon Roundabout based Human Resource & Employment law specialists team. The team specialises in outsourced HR solutions from contracts, handbooks, employee documentation through to practical can-do advice when it comes to your employees, freelancers and casual workers.

In Partnership with TechMeetups, HR Insight are offering an initial consultation worth £180 free of charge to technology and startup companies.  To find out more and book your consultation with a HR Specialist click here.

With extensive, hands-on experience of employment issues and situations and an up-to-date knowledge of employment law, they can guide your business through the maze of human resource management.


How can HR Insight help TechMeetups Members?

We all know that in a competitive market people make all the difference.  HR Insight also understand that as start-up organisations or expanding Tech firms, money is not a widely available as Founders of the business would like it to be.  Therefore, as a TechMeetups member you can benefit from a free of charge meeting, where HR Insight can review your current HR practices, documentation & plans and advise you accordingly.

If you don’t have any HR practices or contracts in place and still on your own, HR Insight can still guide you in the right direction. In addition, as part of the TechMeetups offer, you’ll receive practical monthly factsheets and access to their podcasts regarding current legislation changes.

HR Insight can support your startup in many ways:


About Techmeetups:

TechMeetups has been setup to create a global network of Tech communities from San Francisco to Sydney. We believe that Tech communities are isolated and great things can be achieved if we connect within our cities and outside our borders. Our goal is to create a global Tech cluster of over 50 inter-connected Tech communities by 2013.Membership to our communities is free and anyone thinking about doing their own Startup and wanting to bounce ideas off each other, meet potential partners or investors in their city or even connect with like minded individuals in other parts of the world are welcome to join our groups! TechMeetups is all about YOU so come along, join us and lets connect to form a truly global tech community!


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