If you want to make a life-changing decision, then you’ve come to the right place. talent.io wants to help you succeed and so do we! They will be at our Tech Job Fair in Berlin on the 7th of November, 2019. Please come to this event and see what this awesome tech company has to offer!
Until then, we have a great success story from Edson about how talent.io has changed his life. Here’s how talent.io works with professionals like Edson and top tech companies, and as a software engineer, how you can make talent.io work for you!
Could you tell us a bit about your technical background?
I’m moving to Berlin from Italy where I’ve been working as a Backend developer, with experience in Python, Javascript and Ruby. I come originally from Peru and I did my study in Brazil.
What initially drew you to talent.io?
I was searching for a new position as a developer, when an ad about a site which reverses the recruiting process caught my attention.
Before this my solution for finding a job had mainly been directly applying to companies. Also being in contact with traditional recruiters through LinkedIn.
Submitting separate applications to companies is much more time-consuming and labour-intensive, and when you’re contacted over LinkedIn often the recruiters have an obviously scatter-gun approach. They’re contacting so many people that they’re not really interested in you individually and you’re approached with offers which are totally irrelevant to you.
We hear developers liking the reversed process quite often: How did the idea match up to your experience once you signed up?
Once I had my profile filled out and it was initially approved on the platform I was contacted by Anthony, my Talent Advocate in Berlin. We arranged a Skype call, we talked about what I was looking for and what talent.io could do for me and then scheduled to have my profile launched on the platform.
Anthony was always really committed to helping me and gave me good advice regarding the recruiting process and how the companies were handling that.
What was it like being contacted by companies over talent.io?
I was contacted by 4 companies, 2 of which I went on to have interviews with.
The platform is simple and intuitive, and all the offers I was contacted with were relevant to my specialist technologies and the kind of work that I’d said I was looking for.
- the talent.io platform uses filters for technologies and experience level built into the search used by hiring companies — companies anticipate a high positive response rate to offers, and reach out to individuals in whom they have a real interest.
And how is it going with the company you settled on? ?
It’s a nice Berlin-based start-up, at this time, I’ve yet to start but I’ll be working there as a Ruby developer!
Thanks for telling us about your experience! One final question: if there’s one special thing you’d pick out about talent.io, what would it be?
The Talent Advocates at talent.io give you a lot of useful guidance and tips about being hired as a developer in the market for which they specialise (in this case, Berlin). It’s especially useful when you don’t a lot of experience searching for a technical role in a market which is unfamiliar to you.
You could be the next person to have your dream job! Please come and see talent.io in person at our Tech Job Fair in Berlin on the 7th of November, 2019. We would love another success story like this! Your future company will be waiting for you!
You can get the latest updates from them here: Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn and Instagram.
Go here for talent.io Medium and the original article.