Finally! YouTube Just Launched Its Own iPhone App

Finally! YouTube Just Launched Its Own iPhone App

Original post by Chris Taylor via Mashable

YouTube announced Tuesday that its long-awaited iPhone app is now available as a free download in the App Store.

In case that sounds like a news story from 2007, let’s clarify: yes, there was a native YouTube app on the very first iPhone, and on every model since. But that app was made by Apple, not by YouTube. It featured an infamously poor selection of YouTube videos.

Until now, any iPhone owner that wanted a full YouTube experience had to go to in their Safaribrowser. Apple announced it was dumping its hobbled YouTube app earlier this year, clearing the way for the Google-owned video giant to produce its own version.

Less than a month later, that in-house version is ready for prime time — just one day before the expected launch of the iPhone 5 and iOS 6.

The timing is very interesting, and the fact that an exact App store launch time was given — 3:01am ET — suggests that Apple and Google collaborated behind the scenes to have the new YouTube app squared away in time for the launch.


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