Faces Of FareHarbor: Jess

Faces Of FareHarbor: Jess

Meet Jess Pashos!

Faces Of FareHarbor - Jess Pashos

FareHarbor is going to our Tech Job Fair in Amsterdam today. For those of you who are job-seeking, this is an incredible opportunity to get your dream job!

A FareHarbor veteran, Jess was one of the first people to join our Sales team in Needham, MA. Now the VP of Sales Operations in our Amsterdam office, she’s bringing the best of FareHarbor to our friends in Europe. If you partner with FareHarbor, it’s likely Jess has been involved in your go-live in one way or the other. Let’s get to know her!

You just moved to Europe! What’s been your top place to visit so far?

Well, Amsterdam has been amazing. One morning, I woke up at 5am and biked to the I Amsterdam sign before the crowds got there. I watched the sunrise and took some cool pictures of the sign and the Rijksmuseum. I’ve also had some fun trips to other cool cities in the Netherlands.

Outside of the Netherlands, I went to Stavanger, Norway for a long weekend and did some awesome hikes. It is so beautiful there, I cannot wait to go back!

What do you miss most about the Boston area?

Besides all of the rippers in our Needham office and my family and friends, the Red Sox have had an incredible season, and I used to be able to make it to quite a few games at Fenway as I’ve always lived so close to the city.

I think I’ll miss the enthusiasm in the Boston area during all games (baseball, hockey, football, etc) the most.

What’s next on your tour/activity bucket list?

My dad has a work trip in London in a few weeks so he is coming a weekend early. We are meeting in Scotland and hiking the Cairngorms 4000s loop. 21 miles total! And we will hit 5 of the highest peaks in Scotland.

I have a long bucket list though, and as the list of companies that we partner with in the EU grows, that list gets longer and longer!

We have been out with a few of our local clients already including Flagship Cruises and Walks of Europe. We had an amazing time. And when we all first arrived, we immediately got bikes from one of our first live EU companies – Mike’s Bike Tours!

What’s been the most surprising difference about life in Amsterdam?

The same day that I got on the plane to Amsterdam, I sold my car. I knew that things would be different without it, but I have been pleasantly surprised!

We are able to bike everywhere and transportation is super easy, even to surrounding towns and internationally. I thought that I would miss the freedom that a car can but things have been smooth sailing!

You’ve been at FareHarbor for a while. What about this place makes you want to stick around?

The people! I get excited coming to work every single day. What’s even cooler is that our Amsterdam office is bringing together employees from our Boston, Denver and soon, San Francisco offices.

Even though some employees had not met in person before, it felt as if we were one big family right off of the bat. As we start to welcome our first EU hires, everyone just fits right in. Being around so many awesome people with different backgrounds and the same big picture goals makes it a lot of fun to come to work each day.

Not to mention that we work with the coolest clients ever and have the industry-leading product… I could go on and on!

Describe your job at FareHarbor in three words.

Different every day!


Please don’t forget, FareHarbor is at our Tech Job Fair in Amsterdam today! Please bring your CVs and your best smile! This could be the event that changes your future for the better!

You can get their latest updates from: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.