Job Fair

Your Career with TechMeetups: Networking, Hiring, and Beyond!

Are you ready to take your career to new heights in the tech industry? Join TechMeetups, where we empower professionals like you to connect, learn, and thrive across major global tech hubs including London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Valencia, Alicante, Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid, Munich, Zurich and so on. Whether you’re in IT, Marketing, Sales, or any tech-related […]

2023: Maximizing Employer-Jobseeker Connections

As the world continues to become more and more technologically advanced, the role of human resources is also changing. To keep up with the times, organizations need to stay ahead of the curve by staying up-to-date on the latest trends in HR. This article will provide an overview of the top HR trends for 2023 […]

Recruiting Tech Talent in 2023: Trends, Tips, and the Importance of Job Fairs

2023 is set to be a year of immense growth for the tech industry. As companies around the world continue to innovate, they need to hire the best talent to keep up with the changing landscape. Recruiting tech talent can be tricky, as there are so many different aspects to consider. To make sure you’re […]

The Complete List of 2021 Recruiting Events with TechMeetups

Job seekers and employers with vacancies are being invited to meet face-to-face at ‘speed dating’ recruitment events in 2021, organised by TechMeetups. To date, 25 employers had confirmed their attendance at these recruitment events, and we expect more to come, as discussing work options and exploring opportunities is so much easier when you are face-to-face. Tech […]

Hiring tactics for Recruiting Top Tech Talent to your company

Recruiting IT workers who have the skills your company needs requires tenacity, time and effort. It also requires some outside the box thinking. Information technology skills are in greater demand than ever. And attracting the most skilled IT workers requires tenacity, time, and effort. It also requires some outside-the-box thinking. Recruit with content “Content is […]