
An Analysis Of Market Demand For Web Programming Languages

Original post by MARC GAYLE via TC Editor’s note: Marc Gayle is a Rails developer and founder of 5KMVP, where he builds Minimum Viable Products for just $5K. Follow him on Twitter. A few months ago, I got the idea that one way to get leads for remote freelance gigs was to scour Craigslist. So after doing the manual […]

Do you make these big contractual mistakes when employing people? #TMUguru

This article is a free resource from the TechMeetups Guru Program where Richard Cummings is participating as our HR Guru to assist founders of startups and business leaders though practical workshops and mentoring. Do you make these big contractual mistakes when employing people? Recruiting anyone for your organisation, whether they’re an employee, freelancer or agency staff, it’s absolutely […]

Techmeetups presents: Show Me the Money

Like the famous words spoken to Tom Cruise in the film Jerry Maguire, “Show me the money!” is a phrase we are all familiar with. Everyone wants to know how to make a profit, where the money will come from, and how much they can gain. Statistics reveal that 90% of startups close down in […]

Techmeetups Partners with Angelhack for London 2012 Hackathon!

This has been a very eventful week! Techmeetups are happy to announce that we have partnered with Angelhack for their London 2012 Hackathon! The date of the hackathon has now changed from our original date of November 16-18 to November 10-11. We made the choice to join forces with Angelhack to provide the best experience […]

5 Startup Sanity Checks from the Sharp Side #TMUguru

This article is a free resource from the TechMeetups Guru Program where  Marc Taverner is participating as our Entrepreneurship Guru to assist founders of startups and business leaders though practical workshops and mentoring. 5 Startup Sanity Checks from the Sharp Side 1.Be honest with yourself. Have you just got a great idea or a real start up with […]