
Between – Employees are also Customers

Between is a multinational consultancy with an exceptional approach to their employees. Founded in 2015 by merging two other large consulting agencies, they now provide their customers with a variety of professional services and their employees – with outstanding growth opportunities. They say they have a double mission: to offer something great as to their customers, […]

ThoughtWorks – Thinking & Working for better future

Thoughtworks over 4500 employees in 15 countries, coming to 42 offices every day to work on awesome software and IT solutions. Sounds like a regular company, doesn’t it? Well, it’s much more than that. Thoughtworks’s got a mission and they sure work hard to make it real. Their own words describe them best: “We abhor […] Let’s automate… everything!

When two fresh college alumni get a great idea, even greater things can happen. Many stories of success start exactly this way, and with K2 it’s the same. Today, they deliver innovative business process automation software for companies all around the world. Currently, K2 can boast over 1.5 million users in more than 84 countries and five […]