Angelhack summary

Angelhack summary

What do remote control helicopters, Nerf guns, and sleep deprived techies all have in

common? Sounds like a hackathon to me!

Angelhack London was a raving success! Hosted in the impressive Bloomberg building, close to 250 hackers and 60 teams collaborated and hacked into the late hours of the night and early hours of the morning last weekend. There were some amazing products created during this hackathon, all which were presented in a lightning round, and the judges definitely had their work cut out for them. The winning team, titled “Penny” will be flown to Silicon Valley to compete in the Global Hackathon competition. If you missed out on this hackathon, never fear, Angelhack will be returning to London in May of 2013. Will you be there? We know Techmeetups will be!

Here is a list of some of the Apps we liked …

  1. allows stores to launch their own store cards in minutes
  1. Testlio combines Crowdsourcing & gamification to fix your your testing problems
  1. Schoolhub creates a cool timeline of videos & pics of your child’s  education while Schoolseer connects the parent to teachers  and shares student’s info in a better fashion
  1. Hatchapi helps automate the process to API creation for companies that don’t have the expertise to create their own apis
  1. Vouchaloholic, powered by Pusher, goes hyper local & helps local stores push out instant offers to deal lovers
  1. helps develop mobile apps on the go to unleash the creativity in you
  1. Safecase helps solve the problem of bag theft using a clever combination of RFID and powered by an Arduino chip
  1. hopes to revolutionize knowledge management through a simple user interface, and Factuo attacks it by helping you focus through facts with a  cascading flow of facts that are easy to follow
  1. Benkyo is a cool data visualisation tool that changes learning from sequential to a dynamic and relational approach
  1. D4sc helps the community report their problems and gives brands the opportunity to practice their CSR
  1. Primula helps teachers share each other’s teaching resources through the power of the internet  like a teaching online market place
  1. Brandmash takes a new twist to brand wars by letting the crowd decide which brands are the coolest
  1. is a cool app to help music lovers, music artists, and others in the music industry communicate via a common ecommerce platform
  1. Niuzly tries to solve the problem faced by news publishers by shrinking reader base by aggregating news from news providers
  1. Bracat attempts to link up all your online cloud storage accounts like Dropbox and  Google box, etc.

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