ACE partners with Pyrks for entrepreneur Starter Kit

ACE partners with Pyrks for entrepreneur Starter Kit

Original post by JACKY YAP via e27

Singapore entrepreneurship support organizations ACE has partnered with Pyrks to offer a Starter Kit to entrepreneurs.

Action Community in Entrepreneurship (ACE) is among the biggest supporters to entrepreneurship in Singapore. Their latest initiative involves putting together an online package of exclusive deals and special rates on items that startup founders typically need. Working together with Pyrks, the package is called the ACE Starter Kit. The partnership with ACE will allow Pyrks to provide the starter kits to startup founders and entrepreneurs.

Pyrks, a company and employee benefits platform, is co-founded by Jeffrey Paine and Nicholas Gan. Jeffrey is an active figure in the community and recently wrote an open letter to the government about the state of entrepreneurship in Singapore. He also runs Founders Institute Singapore, and is a founding partner at Golden Gate Ventures. Nicholas has a background in asset management.


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