Tags: tips

21 November 2019


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Startup Services Tips Before Launching

Launching a startup requires much more than just having a product idea. Initially, it is really challenging for startups to garner consumer attention as they are tight on budget, relatively lesser known or slight public appearance, no relationships with media or press, etc. Not to mention, that the early-stage startups can only employ a few […]

Six Ways To Determine If You Should Let Go Of Your Startup

For entrepreneurs, it’s not always easy to know when to throw in the towel or push on. If your startup is struggling, take some time to rule out that you’re doing everything to the best of your abilities, and always be open to bringing in outside help. Below members of Forbes Coaches Council offer advice […]

2017 is the year your startup gets funded

The turn of the calendar is cathartic for entrepreneurs — there’s something about starting a new year that inspires folks to launch a new startup, build a new product or raise capital. If you’re starting to raise capital, this is your guide. Let’s get to it. Step 1: Build your funnel Fundraising is a numbers […]

10 Steps to Successfully Sourcing and Recruiting Startup Talent

Hiring people remains one of the biggest challenges and mysteries for startups. Since most CEOs and founders aren’t trained recruiters, they generally have very little idea about how to recruit properly. And because they’re so busy running their startups, they rarely invest enough time in the recruiting process. How can Techmeetups.com help you? We help companies through Events like […]