TechMeetups Bangalore: Java lecture by Bill la Forge

TechMeetups Bangalore: Java lecture by Bill la Forge

“High-Throughput Java Actors for Vertical Scaling” by Bill la Forge

Computers with multiple CPUs have become common, especially for server-side applications. But writing applications that use threads and locks that make good use of this hardware can be quite a challenge. In comparison, actor-based programming is easy but have limited throughput.

We are bringing in William la Forge, specialist in JActor consulting to share his ideas. This talk covers JActor, a Java framework for actors that can pass 100 million messages per second between actors in the same JVM.
The course will cover three topics:

1. An overview of high-performance programming in Java
2. Techniques used by JActor to deliver high throughput
3. Code samples showing how to use JActor.
Q&A will follow after the lecture and it will be a good chance for you to have all of yours questions answered.
If you have any questions and suggestions, please contact me at

Thursday, October 4, 2012 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)

Bangalore, India


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