Tags: recruiting

06 April 2017

Tech Startup Job Fair Lisboa Spring 2017

Microsoft Portugal
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

How And Where To Find The Best Tech Talent For Your Startup

When I was recruited for my current role, I was approached at a hackathon where I was pitching my own idea for a new startup. (Previously, I’d created and grown a different startup.) Having this background, it might seem strange that I then was interested in going to work with another entrepreneur. But I was […]

Hiring digital talent: What skills & characteristics do startups value?

What does it take to build a successful startup? Alongside a simple proposition and a strong vision, the people you employ are a crucial factor in driving success. It’s not always easy to find the right kind of talent, of course. We recently spoke with six executives from the Top 100 Disruptive Brands list – published […]

9 Ways to Recruit the Best Talent for Your Startup

These are the strategies you need to know to find and keep the best of the best. Hiring is hard, but hiring for startups can be even harder. As a young company with limited cash flow, hiring the wrong employee can potentially break your startup. Therefore, you have to be very careful with your decisions […]

Tips for Recruiting Tech Talent in Competitive Areas

The state of tech presents unique opportunities and challenges for recruiters. Companies can offer candidates a lot but the talent pool is often limited. There has never been a more exciting time to work in tech. Jobs that once seemed boring or best left to nerdy computer experts are now more sought after than ever […]