Online Recruitment Day


Day of the Event

  • Employer Recruitment Pitch (1-hour presentation, about 15 slides is ideal) – we collect the pdf. version before 1 -2 days to be shared after the event with registrants/candidates.
  • A Q&A session – candidates will ask questions and you can reply/chat with them, ask for CV’s, etc

The pitch: Deliver a stand-out recruiting pitch that will and attract the best and brightest talent to your company. Run the presentation from your machine/laptop and share your screen during the session, which allows you to present a document, presentation, or anything else you’d like to attendees.

Someone from your team needs to present the slides and remain for the Q&A session to reply to the candidate’s questions etc

Provide clear, valuable, honest information about:

  • advertise your business
  • milestones and goals
  • career development opportunities
  • team and company/work culture
  • benefits and perks
  • employee schedules
  • training and career coaching
  • staff parties and so on


  • Lower costs
  • Saving time
  • Screening remote candidates
  • Assess communication skills
  • Clarify resume details and get to know candidates
  • Less pressure

If you want to communicate and collaborate with the TechMeetups team, please email us at 


Description is a Global cluster existing 9 years, with 22 interconnected communities, 75 organized job fairs, 1100+ hiring companies and 65,000+ members. A Global Tech Community with startups, small and medium enterprises (SME), large organisations,   students and graduates, professionals, coders, salespeople, financiers, marketers & developers across the world.

We have events and communities all over the world: London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Lisbon, Stockholm, Madrid, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Munich, Dublin, Bern, Zurich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, New York…

Recruiters and hiring managers switch from face-to-face meetings to online interviews using Online Recruitment Day, a way to evaluate candidates remotely.


  • The client approves the date & time of the event
  • We organize the event on TechMeetups Zoom platform
  • We Create and Promote on Social media a banner with your logo & website
  • We Create and Promote on Social media a Poster with your jobs
  • We’ll provide you with a job pack active 1 year with 25 jobs on
  • We create your company brand story on
  • An hour-long presentation, about 15 slides are ideal to pitch your company, services, products, milestone, company culture, job openings, the hiring process and so on.
  • You’ll get the list of attendees

If you’re hiring people we can help you save a lot of time.