Thank You

Dear Customer,

Welcome onboard for the upcoming Tech Startup Fair!

If you are employing can you please fill the online form given below so we can start promoting you asap.

For more info, please reach out to
thank you icon



    Company name

    Company Email

    Company Logo (Png - High Resolution)

    Contact person name

    Headshot pic of contact person

    Company Twitter handle (you'd like us to promote)

    How big is your company in terms of employees?

    Presenter Name

    Presenter Twitter handle

    Upload Presentation

    * PPT or PDF format, upto 5 slides about your company
    ( Lightning pitch= 1min, Startup Stand=2min,High Growth Stand=2min,
    Silver Sponsor=5min, Gold Sponsor=10min)
    We recommend the following slides:
    1. What your company does?
    2. Some brief details about your company
    3. Why it's great to work for you?
    4. What roles you're recruiting for?
    5. What makes your company stand out from the rest?

    List of Attendees

    How many open positions do you have ?
    *Please register on our job board
    So that we can provide you your Job packs
    to publish your job openings)
    (Lightning pitch= 1 job listing, Startup Stand=3 job listings,
    High Growth Stand=3 job listings, Silver Sponsor=10 job listings,
    Gold Sponsor=unlimited job listings)

    Link to your Company's Blog
    (Employer Stand=1, Silver Sponsor=2, Gold Sponsor=5)

    (FOR SPONSORS ONLY) Dedicated Email (message) to Exhibitors and Attendees

    How did you come to know about our event?

    Enter the Following characters in the text box
    To use CAPTCHA, you need Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin installed.