Customer development

Six Ways To Determine If You Should Let Go Of Your Startup

For entrepreneurs, it’s not always easy to know when to throw in the towel or push on. If your startup is struggling, take some time to rule out that you’re doing everything to the best of your abilities, and always be open to bringing in outside help. Below members of Forbes Coaches Council offer advice […]

Have a Startup idea? Here are 10 tips to build your MVP

What is an MVP? The minimum viable product strategy has become extremely popular in all kinds of business ventures due to the minimum risk that it gives when you are looking to test a new product without having to make a full investment. In this article, we are going to give you 10 powerful tips […]

E-commerce Trends: 7 Predictions on What to Expect in 2017

By the time I’ve written my 2054 e-commerce trends post, people will have forgotten that you ever had to visit shops and hand over physical money. Personally, I almost have. I was recently debating widening my letterbox so it can take a large pizza from Dominos, meaning I don’t have to converse with the delivery guy. In […]

Top 10 Business Trends That Will Drive Success In 2017

Each year I have the honor of observing business trends as a keynote speaker and business advisor. For the fourth consecutive year, I am pleased to share the top business trends that leading companies embrace to drive success. Some trends are in their infancy, and others have become part of the mainstream. These patterns emerge […]