
Top 5 Tips for Presenting at Hackathons

Original post by Randy Ksar via DJKSAR I attended the Sprint developer hackathon this week and the one skill set that was missing in 80% of the teams were presenting skills. Here are a few recommendations on how to present at a hackathons based upon my talks at conferences, Toastmasters classes and attending several events over the […]

Smart London vision

Original post by LONDON.GOV.UK London is the greatest city on earth. A world centre of commerce and a global cultural hot spot – London is diverse, connected, international and cosmopolitan. Its dynamic economy – with renowned specialisms in creativity and design, science and technology, banking and finance – offers the most competitive and productive business […]

5 Things I Learned from Winning a Hackathon

Original post by Jay Rooney via Angelhack Our hackathon attendees are on a serious roll. This year’s AngelHack winners have all surprised and delighted our judges. We’re asking our winners what they did to win the hackathon, and we’re passing on their knowledge to you, so you can win the hackathon some day! Last time, we […]

Five Tips for Hackathon Participants

Original post by Michael Bleigh via Intridea This past weekend I participated in Hack the Midwest, a Kansas City hackathon. The event was a huge success drawing a crowd of around 100 developers. As one of the visiting developer evangelists said, it was a great turnout for a New York hackathon, much less one in the midwest. At […]

Developer Evangelism

Original post by Developer-Evangelism The developer evangelism handbook This handbook will get you on the way to be a great developer evangelist for any product or company. Of course your approach needs tweaking for different markets and audiences – and in accordance with your own personality – but the main principles are the same for […]