Tags: classes

Get Smarter in 2017: Here are 5 Places to Educate Yourself Online (for Free) – knowledge is power

What do you want to learn more about this year? Nanotechnology? Virtual reality? Bitcoin? How to protect democracy? According to neuroscience professor Ken Kosik, adult education, or specifically engaging in challenging new learning experiences, encourages brain plasticity. And plasticity is associated with flexibility, innovation, and joy. Equally as compelling, continued learning has been shown to […]

Want to Fast Track Your Startup? Start Building a Community!

Techmeetups organise their next event, this time free of charge for members! In order for any startup or large corporation to be successful, they must have a community. This can be a virtual community, a fan base, or even a consumer community. Whatever type of community is relevant to you, your business needs its support. […]

TechMeetups Bangalore: Java lecture by Bill la Forge

“High-Throughput Java Actors for Vertical Scaling” by Bill la Forge Computers with multiple CPUs have become common, especially for server-side applications. But writing applications that use threads and locks that make good use of this hardware can be quite a challenge. In comparison, actor-based programming is easy but have limited throughput. We are bringing in […]